Examination Dates


Examination Session

Type of Examination


Undergraduate* ( by taught course) and Master of Architecture

Postgraduate (by taught course) exclude Master of Architecture



December 2023 / January 2024 Examination


8 Jan 2024 - 14 Jan 2024

18 Dec 2023 - 7 Jan 2024

11 Dec 2023 -    24 Dec 2023


Supplementary**/ Replacement

29 Jan 2024 – 4 Feb 2024

29 Jan 2024 – 11 Feb 2024

15 Jan 2024 – 21 Jan 2024



April / May 2024 Examination


6 May 2024 – 12 May 2024

6 May 2024 – 26 May 2024

8 Apr 2024 – 21 Apr 2024



Supplementary**/ Replacement

27 May 2024 – 2 Jun 2024

17 Jun 2024 – 30 June 2024

20 May 2024 – 26 May 2024


August / September 2024 Examination


30 Sep 2024 – 6 Oct 2024

23 Sep 2024 – 13 Oct 2024

12 Aug 2024 – 25 Aug 2024



Supplementary**/ Replacement

14 Oct 2024 – 20 Oct 2024

28 Oct 2024 – 10 Nov 2024

16 Sep 2024 – 22 Sep 2024


 December 2024 / January 2025 Examination


6 Jan 2025 – 12 Jan 2025

16 Dec 2024 – 5 Jan 2025

9 Dec 2024 – 22 Dec 2024



Supplementary**/ Replacement

10 Feb 2025 – 16 Feb 2025

10 Feb 2025 – 23 Feb 2025

13 Jan 2025 – 19 Jan 2025



Professional Exam 2024





16 Sep 2024 - 22 Sep 2024

* Excluding MBBS Programme
**The Supplementary Examination is not applicable to Postgraduate Programme

Note: The replacement/supplementary examination period is subject to change depending on the total number of courses involved in the examination.